05 Dez. After approving new telecommunications rules, Member States must not delay use of pro-competitive provisions in 5G spectrum licensing
After approving new telecommunications rules, Member States must not delay use of pro-competitive provisions in 5G spectrum licensing
Brussels, 04 December 2018. Today, the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council approved a new legislative framework for the telecommunications sector in the EU. ecta, representing the widest range of competitive telecommunications operators, welcomes the vote and calls on Members States to take the fullest possible account of pro-competitive options under the Code when licensing 5G spectrum during the transition to full implementation of the new rules into national law.
Marking its agreement with the position endorsed by the European Parliament in its November Plenary session, the Council with today’s vote closed the legislative process after more than two years of negotiations on the European Electronic Communications Code.
Commenting on the vote, ecta Director General Luc Hindryckx observed, ‚We welcome the Council vote which we interpret as a strong expression of support for the pro-competitive provisions in the new Code. The vote also marks the start of the crucial transposition phase into national law, and we wish all Member States a pro-competitive and timely transposition. On the way there, we call on them both to anticipate the new pro-competitive rules as much as possible, and to avoid making choices prejudicial to competition.‘
Considering the crucial role of Members States in defining the licensing rules, Luc Hindryckx further said, ‚Let’s also be careful not to heed the song of short-term financial sirens facing such a strategic challenge. Only pro-competitive spectrum licensing can unleash the full potential of 5G for the greater good of an inclusive society.‘
ecta and its members are committed and engaged to turn the vision of an inclusive Gigabit society into reality for the benefit of consumers, enterprises and society at large. Therefore, European as well as national policy-makers and regulatory bodies can rely on ecta’s support when applying the new rules in a pro-competitive manner.
ecta members are united in their belief that competition is the best driver of efficient investments and the greatest enabler of innovation, choice and benefits for citizens and businesses, as well as for the European economy overall. This is the key message that ecta and its members promote and also have promoted in discussions about the European Electronic Communications Code.
For further information on the contents of this press release and ecta’s positions, contact: Luc Hindryckx, Director General, +32 (0)2 290 0102