English Publications

VATM statements

31.10.2024 – VATM-Position to the public consultation on the Guidelines to Art. 102
30.09.2024 – VATM’s position on the migration from copper to fibre optics
01.07.2024 – VATM-Position on White Paper of the European Commission: How to master Europe’s infrastructure needs?
15.05.2024 – VATM und DIALOG CONSULT present 6th Gigabit Study for Germany
19.05.2023 – VATM position on Initiative on “High-speed broadband in the EU – review of rules” – Proposal of a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council “on Measures to Reduce the Cost of Deploying Gigabit Electronic Communications Networks and Repealing Directive 2014/61/EU (Gigabit Infrastructure Act)’’ – GIA
24.03.2023 – VATM position paper on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – procedural rules on enforcement
10.11.2022 – VATM position paper on Notification of draft measures according to Article 7 (3) of the Framework Directive (2022/21/EC) regarding Market 4 of Recommendation 2014/710/EU – Reference Offer 2.0) / BK2-18/004
24.07.2022 – VATM position paper on Public Consultation (BoR) 83 Draft BEREC on Satellite Connectivity for Universal Service
2022-07-01 VATM position paper on Market 1 notification DE-2022-2385
VATM position on Notification of draft measures for monthly rates for wholesale local access provided at a fixed location and rates for access to street cabinet, ducts and dark fibre
Common Remarks on Conduction a Data Retention Study from ECO, ANGA, BREKO, BUGLAS, EIN and VATM
VATM position on the Europe´s digital sovereignty
VATM position on the European elections Heading towards a European digital future (Executive Summary)
VATM position on the European elections Heading towards a European digital future
7-Point-Paper: Proposals for a swift implementation of the new
European legal framework (EECC) – Create investment security for Gigabit networks
VATM-Position Paper on the Connectivity Package of the European Commission
Letter of Associations on Vectoring to EU-Commissioner Oettinger (2)
VATM welcomes the in-depth analysis of the Vectoring decision conducted by the Commission Chance to use a better broadband deployment especially in rural areas
Letter of Associations on Vectoring to EU-Commissioner Oettinger (1)
Businesses and municipal associations unanimously reject Vectoring monopoly, EU-Commission is asked to intervene
VATM comments on Draft BEREC Strategy 2015-2017 and the BEREC Work Program 2015
BEREC Opinion on the draft Revised EC Recommendation on Relevant Markets and accompanying Explanatory Note
VATM Comments on defining compromise amendments to the Regulation laying down measures concerning the European single market for electronic communications and to achieve a Connected Continent: Draft report PILAR DEL
VATM-Comments on the Draft revised Recommendation on relevant markets
VATM amendments to the Regulation laying down measures concerning the European single market for electronic communications and to achieve a Connected Continent: Draft report PILAR DEL CASTILLO


12.09.2024 – 2nd Analysis of the Competitive Landscape in the German Fixed-Line Market
Study on Regulation of markets 1 & 2 as a precondition for sustainable and infrastructure-based services competition“
How to provide seamless services in fragmented NGA networks – the open access concept of VATM
12th Joint Analysis of the telecommunications market 2010
Evaluation Paper: 12th Implementation Report of the European Commission Germany – Current Market Data
BMWi strategy paper: Assessment of regulatory policy by the VATM in re-action to the BMWi strategy paper „Perspectives on regulation of the European communication markets“
7th Joint Analysis of the Telecommunications Market: Results of a survey of member companies in the German “Federation of Telecommunications and Value-Added Service Providers” (VATM) in July/August 2005
Press Release: VATM and DIALOG CONSULT publish 2005 study of telecommunications market
Immediate Steps for Improvement of the Competitive Situation in Germany
Annual Report 2001
Market Entry Barriers in the German Telecommunications Market
White paper: Competitive Situation in the German Telecommunications Market