17 Juli Ericsson-Report zum zweiten Quartal 2020
• Sales were SEK 55.6 (54.8) b. Sales adjusted for comparable units and currency were flat YoY.
• Gross margin excluding restructuring charges improved to 38.2% (36.7%), including the earlier communicated inventory write-down related to Mainland China (SEK -0.9 b., which equals to -1.6 percentage points).
• Operating income excluding restructuring charges improved to SEK 4.5 b. (8.2% operating margin) from SEK 3.9 b. (7.0% operating margin) driven by improvements in segment Digital Services.
• Networks sales1 increased by 4% YoY. Networks operating margin excluding restructuring charges was 14.1% (15.0%) impacted by strategic contracts and the inventory write-down, partly compensated by operational leverage and a favorable business mix.
• Digital Services operating income excluding restructuring charges was SEK -0.7 (-1.3) b. Gross margin improved driven mainly by higher software sales while sales1 declined by -5%.
• Net income was SEK 2.6 (1.8) b.
• Free cash flow before M&A was SEK 3.2 (1.6) b. Net cash June 30, 2020, was SEK 37.5 (33.8) b.
• The Covid-19 pandemic had a limited impact on operating income and cash flow in the quarter.
1 Adjusted for comparable units and currency.
Please make sure that you read the full report here: www.ericsson.com
You can find all supporting materials on Marketing & Communications Forum.
The Executive Forum members have been provided with the same information package.
An internal news article will be published later during the day at internal.ericsson.com. This will be updated with a video message from Börje as soon as it is available.
7:00 CET The report is distributed and published on ericsson.com.
7:10 CET Supporting material is published on Executive Forum and Marketing & Communications Forum.
7:45 CET Marketing & Communication Forum conference call. Brief presentation and short Q&A session.
9:00 CET Mail to all employees including CEO video, and article on the intranet internal.ericsson.com.
9:00 CET Conference call for investors, financial analysts and media with CEO and CFO.
12:45 CET Executive Forum conference call with CEO and CFO. Brief presentation and short Q&A session.
The human toll caused by Covid-19, directly and indirectly through a weak economy, is increasingly clear. We continue to put safety of our people as first priority, and more than 80% of our employees are currently working from home. Despite the difficult environment we delivered a solid result. Q2 organic1 sales were flat and gross margin2 improved to 38.2% (36.7%) YoY, including negative effects from strategic contracts. Free cash flow before M&A improved to SEK 3.2 (1.6) b. While the effects of Covid-19 create uncertainties, with current visibility we maintain the full-year targets for the Group.
Börje Ekholm
President and CEO
1 Sales adjusted for comparable units and currency
2 Excluding restructuring charges
Über Ericsson
Ericsson ist Weltmarktführer auf dem Gebiet der Kommunikationstechnologie und -dienstleistungen mit Firmenzentrale in Stockholm, Schweden. Kerngeschäft ist das Ausrüsten von Mobilfunknetzen. 40 Prozent des weltweiten Mobilfunkverkehrs werden über Netztechnik von Ericsson abgewickelt. Mit innovativen Lösungen und Dienstleistungen arbeitet Ericsson an der Vision einer vernetzten Zukunft, in der jeder Einzelne und jede Branche sein/ihr volles Potenzial ausschöpfen kann.
Aktuell hält Ericsson 99 kommerzielle Vereinbarungen und Verträge mit Mobilfunknetzbetreibern weltweit. Darüber hinaus ist Ericsson an einem Großteil aller kommerziell eingeführten 5G-Livenetze beteiligt. Zu den 54 durch Ericsson unterstützten 5G-Livenetzen weltweit zählen unter anderem auch Netze in Deutschland und der Schweiz. www.ericsson.com/5G
Das 1876 gegründete Unternehmen beschäftigt weltweit rund 99.000 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter und arbeitet mit Kunden in 180 Ländern zusammen. 2019 erwirtschaftete Ericsson einen Nettoumsatz von 227,2 Milliarden SEK. Ericsson ist an der NASDAQ OMX in Stockholm und der NASDAQ in New York gelistet. www.ericsson.com/5G
In Deutschland beschäftigt Ericsson rund 2.700 Mitarbeiter an 12 Standorten – darunter rund 1.000 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter im Bereich Forschung und Entwicklung (F&E). Der Hauptsitz ist Düsseldorf.
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