19 Okt. VATM press statement on the future of copper-glass migration
VATM managing director Dr Frederic Ufer comments on the future of copper-to-fibre migration and today’s press release from the Federal Network Agency on the occasion of the Gigabit Forum:
Cologne, 19th October 2024. The evaluation of the first pilot projects on copper-to-fibre migration, which were launched as part of the Gigabit Forum, offers valuable insights, but also underlines how much still needs to be done for the migration process to be successful.
We expressly welcome the fact that the BNetzA, along with the Digital Ministry, intends to develop the overall concept for copper-to-fibre migration, which the VATM has been demanding for some time. Both network-expanding companies and those reliant on infrastructure access need security for their planning and transparency. VATM’s recently presented policy paper on copper-to-fibre migration shows in detail what action is required. One major factor for success is a consistent regulation of the company with market power already during the preparation and transition period.
In the interest of consumers and the economy, politics and regulators must therefore design the migration period in such a way that:
– a maximum of transparency is enabled regarding Telekom’s plans for the copper network shutdown,
– there are clear qualitative advantages for private and business customers and the transition, when the copper networks are switched off, runs smoothly,
– there are fair, nondiscriminatory conditions for wholesale customers making all services relevant for private and business customers possible at the highest quality level and also replicable.
– the copper network can be switched off in a non-discriminatory manner even when the expansion of alternative fibre-optic networks has been completed.
For all market participants, for citizens and companies, the focus must now be on creating a secure “landing strip” which can be planned well in advance. All parties involved must work constructively together to ensure that the copper-fibre migration can accelerate competition and provide benefits for millions of customers and users.’
The VATM policy paper can be found here.