09 Dez. VATM welcomes the EU Council’s clear competitive course
Regarding conclusions of the European Council on the Commission’s White Paper titled ‚How to meet the EU’s digital infrastructure needs‘,VATM Managing Director Dr. Frederic Ufer declares:
„Effective competition in the European telecommunications markets is the key to a strong European single market and to securing the investments in the hundreds of billions that are now needed. We therefore specifically welcome the fact that the Council has clearly recognized this in its conclusion on the Commission’s White Paper and explicitly calls for more competition. The Council also addressed misperceptions based on the assumption that conditions in European telecommunications markets are identical. As always, individual and customized solutions are essential on the telecommunications markets. Less and weaker regulation would lead to a resurgence of the former monopoly in Germany and slow down the pace of the network expansion. The Council is therefore justified in supporting the continuation of prior regulation. We anticipate that a key priority of the future European agenda will be the reduction of lengthy bureaucratic processes and administrative procedures, which significantly hinder the telecommunications sector and only harm the development of a strong European single market.“